General SIRAS Info

SIRAS Systems has been creating IEP systems for the past 24 years and is currently the fastest growing and 2nd most used MTSS ‒ CALPADS system in California. SIRAS is a comprehensive web based program that provides online management of IEP, 504 and SSTs. SIRAS is fully CALPADS compliant and has the ability to develop a variety of DINC reports. Its simple user interface design offers a list of powerful features that assist users in being more efficient and organized ultimately benefiting special education staff and their special needs students.

24,000 Educators | 120,000 Students | 190 School Districts | 16 SELPA's

IEP management

NEW SST Tracker

Personnel reports

DRDP module

Transportation module

Guardian/Contact module

Predefined and customizable lists, queries, DINC compliance searches, statistical reports, exports

User friendly Admin. user tools for SIRAS staff account management

Archivable progress reports, benchmarks

CALPADS reporting by Siras Systems

IEP to SIS and SIS to SIRAS integration

Current and archived student records

Language Assessment reporting

Service Log Module

NEW IFSP module

NEW 504 Plan module

Low Incidence module

ESY module

Emergency medical module

Amazing customer support

User friendly intelligent data entry pages for Admin., Specialist and General staff

Goal development including extremely comprehensive goal bank

Instant English to Spanish form translations

Multiple Provider Designations and Permissions

Instructional Accommodations lists & reports

TOMS export and CAASPP Reporting

SIRAS Features:


The original application that SIRAS is based upon was once one of the first web enabled Special Ed. software systems in existence. SIRAS is the evolution of that founding Special Ed. technology.

The SIRAS web application is built upon powerful modern frameworks and robust Internet standards. The open source foundation is platform independent and constantly updated to keep up with ever-changing requirements. SIRAS has a rich, dynamically updating user interface which allows for intuitive and fluid interactions, and a well-structured normalized SQL database which provides unified and reliable data. Visually accurate and customized IEP forms are enabled using innovative PDF to HTML conversion. Email and Forms Link integration provides parents and staff with direct access to student’s IEPs as well as providing collection of electronic signatures.

Siras is well-integrated in many different regards with other external systems. CALPADS API functionality enables SIRAS users to easily report everything required for Special Ed. throughout the year. Student Information System (SIS) integration is available via the AERIES API or file-based exchange for any SIS vendor, bringing demographics data and new records automatically into SIRAS. Automated data exports are available, providing other systems with current Special Ed data.

For a guided tour of SIRAS please contact Steve at
(844) 337-4727 Ext. 701

Click For Demo


Siras can be fully integrated with any SIS in production. Native integration included with Aeries SIS and Schoolwise. Before an LEA even needs to report meeting transactions to CALPADS, the SIRAS validation system on the MIS Summary page eliminates about 95% of the errors and warnings; however because CDE introduces new validations without documentation it is not possible to capture 100% of the errors/warnings. When data issues invariably happen, SPED admin staff can easily correct CDD (Certification Data Discrepancy) errors and review warnings discovered by the State CDE CALPADS program.
Siras Systems support staff assist in explaining to district staff the various State found errors and warning and how to correct them.
Those reports generated from the State CDE CALPADS program are also uploaded and viewable with SIRAS. SIRAS Statistical reports area provides an array of compliance based reports including dashboard indicator 1 graduation rate, 5A/B general ed. participation, 5C separate setting, 6A/B/C preschool settings and indicator 8 parental involvment. Siras also allows generating district and charter level FTE (full time enrollment for SWD) reports as needed.
Siras Systems provides regular CALPADS API reporting zoominars to provide information to the districts from CDE and explain how that will relate to their district and/or SELPA.

SIRAS Systems Workshops/Training:

To arrange a workshop contact Steve:
P: (844) 337-4727 Ext. 701

Centralized IEP Management

Users have the ability to centrally track their own and shared caseloads for compliance and keep up with the unique demands of the Special Ed. teaching environment. The SIRAS Concept chart

Full CALPADS support and reporting system (integration with CDE CALPADS software)

Staff from SIRAS Systems assist in arbitrating duplicates for SELPA and providing to the SELPA and districts current, historical and anomaly reports. SELPA / District / School compliance summary reports all available with SIRAS before and after CALPADS reporting period. Communicating Between District SIS and SIRAS | Technical Document

MIS Summary Page

Comprehensive IEP data entry page for Admin. Staff to maintain IEP data at a glance. Includes a validation system used to ensure compliance of completing the IEP and all CALPADS data collection needs are met. Fields get validated and colored based on their compliance status: gray for compliant; yellow for warnings; and red for errors. The MIS Summary Page gets populated with the special education information through the IEP process. When P1 and P2 CALPADS counts are underway comprehensive CALPADS audit results for individual student records are posted here. MIS Summary Page Example


SIRAS home page offers comprehensive queries on out of compliance and almost out of compliance (upcoming) records with one click. Prebuilt reports for CALPADS overdue reports are available at any time to assist data cleanup in preparation for the Fall 1 and EOY4 CALPADS counts. However, if additional CALPADS related reports are need that SIRAS cannot generate, Siras Systems will create those reports for the SELPA upon request.

IEP Translation

SIRAS has forms in both English and Spanish. When users fill out the English form components with popup menus, they are translated instantly into the associated Spanish form. SIRAS have multiple access roles for part time or full time translation staff. Sample Spanish Form

Organizes Workflow

The SIRAS workflow is intelligently based on the type of meeting the user selects. Each meeting has components and properties unique to the meeting and guides the user by showing required and optional forms available. It tracks timelines that would be required based upon the type of meeting being held. Organized Work Flow Example

Goal & Benchmark Development

The GoalWizard module guides staff into developing legally defendable goals (including objectives and assessments) then translates them into Spanish. Including use of academic behaviors aligned to Common Core standards and the associated Goal Stems needed to develop the benchmarks.  With over 18,600 behaviors encompassing a variety of domains SIRAS contains the most comprehensive bank of behaviors compared to our competitors. GoalWizard Module Example

Goal Evaluation Sheets

SIRAS has thousands of assessments associated with goals when user develops goal using the GoalWizard. Service Log Example

Private school and NPS collaboration

SIRAS has the ability to create custom access from fully integrated collaboration all the way to limiting the amount interaction to specific third party (Non SELPA) Specialists in need of collaborating with the Goals data only of SELPA records.

Dynamic Calendar System

The SIRAS Calendar isolates meeting events based on user; etc. General user would just see their caseload while a school level admin would see the meetings for the entire school. District holidays days can be plotted on the calendar; while vacation days more than 5 days will adjust evaluation completion deadline. Calendar Example

Student Profile

Comprehensive data entry pages for Special Ed. and related staff to maintain related student data at a glance. Including demographics, contacts, medical information, note and attached documents. Personal Profile Example

Special Ed. Profile

Comprehensive data entry pages for Special Ed. and related staff to maintain related IEP data at a glance. Including IEP and referral dates, program and transportation information, services, assessment and DRDP information as well as transition data for HS. Special Education Profile Example