SST Tracker Module
Resources overview
The SST Tracker Module from Siras Systems uses an organized workflow to assist the user in tracking and planning Student Study Team meetings and response to intervention. The system generates and validates the SST forms and procedure needed to determine how best to serve the student to ensure the students success in school. Address medical, behavior, and/or academic concerns. SIRAS also helps assisting in a progression of response to intervention (RTI) in academic and behavioral strategies in all three tiers.
Some of the features include:
Meetings automatically plotted.
Student List
Select from a predefined list, customize a list, then sort and query students.
Develop and graph statistical reports.
MIS Summary
Page that lays out all the important information about the student on one page.
Warnings and reminders of upcoming meetings.
Completing SST Forms
SST Form validation to ensure compliance.
Make Labels
Create Avery address labels.
Document Upload
Upload forms associated with the student or the SST meeting.
Export Data
Export a variety of student data in Excel; DBF or CSV.
Added Forms
Upload commonly used forms for easy access.
Home Page
Notification Summaries and with Bulletin Board managed by SST Clerk.
Discipline Module
Comprehensive Discipline Module to record suspensions and expulsions.
Student History
Logs all SST meetings and the forms associated with meetings.
User Account
SST Clerk Level (district); SST Coordinator (school/site); or Read only levels of access.
IEP System Integration – Integrate your student database system and/or your IEP system with SIRAS 504 module.
General Ed Information Request
SIRAS enables the SST Coordinator to send emails to the student’s general education teachers that contain a link which opens a special input module within the SIRAS website that will allow the teacher to provide comments and information concerning the student. These comments are automatically collected to create a comprehensive General Education Summary Report. This process avoids the need to manage user accounts; although user accounts for the general education teachers and other specialists can be generated in SIRAS.
Guided Decision
Assists the team in deciding a returning to general education classes without additional support; return to general education classes with additional supports and accommodations; referral to a 504 Plan; or referral for special education.